Online Store Builder & eCommerce Checkout System

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How do I send a newsletter?

To send out a newsletter please visit Marketing > Newsletter > Send. You will then be prompted to choose who to send the newsletter to and given an area to write your newsletter content. Please note that you may choose to send your newsletter to your newsletter subscribers, all customers or any of your defined customer groups. If sending to customers the newsletter will only be sent to those customers who checked the box indicating they wanted promotional emails.

You may type directly into the message box or use the Editor to make a fancier formatted message for your customers. You may also use any of the keywords shown to personalize your email. For example, if writing:


The %FIRSTNAME% would be replaced for each email sent with the first name of the person who you are sending the newsletter to. This enables each email to be automatically personalized for individual customers.

Hit the Send button when you are ready to send the newsletter.