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How to setup automatic file download?

Merchants can setup automatic download of software files upon successful purchase. Customers who have successfully completed a purchase will be given a link to download the software file. This link is protected and the customer must be logged in, in order to use the download link.

To setup automatic software download you must first upload the files you wish to be downloaded from Inventory > Items > ESD Files > Upload.

When the appropriate files are uploaded attach them to an inventory item by going to Inventory > Items > Edit Items

Click on the advanced edit link for the inventory item you wish to modify. Then select the Soft-goods tab. In the box labeled Filename type the name of the file to give to customers or use the file picker icon to choose the file from the list of available files.

Please note that the link to download your file will be shown on the receipt page and on the past orders page for your customers but it will ONLY be shown in the order payment is verified. If your store is using a real-time gateway to process credit cards all accepted orders will be automatically verified. The download link is protected. This means that it can only be used by the original purchaser of the item. If the link is sent to a friend it will not work.