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Setting email inbox size limits

This article will show you:
1. How to limit an individual inbox size
2. How to remove a inbox size limit

You need this because:
1. You want to control the amount of space used by each inbox.
2. You want to allow unlimited space for an inbox.

There is no global restriction on the size of each individual inbox however the total space available for each stores email is 2 GB.  Store owners may place limits on individual inbox's if needed when adding a new inbox or by editing the inbox.

To change the inbox size limit:
1. Log in to the administrator panel and select "General-->Email-->Setup Instructions"

2. Select the "Login to Manage Email" button.  A new window will popup for the email server automatically logged in as the mail admin.

3. In the new mail window select "Settings-->Domain Settings-->Users"

4. Check the box next to the user's inbox to modify and select the "Edit" button

5. Enter the new limit in the field labelled "Mailbox Size Limit".   Use 0 for no limit.

6. Select the "Save" button

**Note that a total size limit of 2 GB is enforced over all inbox's on a domain