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Shipping notification email

This article will show you:
1. How to setup and/or customize the shipping notification email.

You need this because:
1. You want to change the content of the shipping notification email.
2. You want customers to be notified via email when their order is shipped.

The shipping notification is sent to the purchasers email address. This email is sent when the order is marked as shipped from the admin interface.  The email address and content can be manually changed when marking the item as shipped if required.

1. Login to the administrator panel and select "General-->Email-->Notifications".

2. Find the heading labelled "Shipping Email", all of the fields underneath this heading relate only to the shipping notification email.

3. In the "Subject" field indicate the subject of the email. ie Your order from Storename has shipped

4. In the large text box enter the content of the email.  Special keywords are shown below which can be added to the email body and/or subject to customize the content for each customer.  ie Dear %FIRSTNAME%,
  • %FIRSTNAME% = Shopper first name
  • %LASTNAME% = Shopper last name
  • %LOGIN% = Shopper login
  • %PASSWORD% = Shopper password
  • %ORDER% = Order number
  • %TRACKING% = Tracking number
  • %SHIPCOMPANY% = Name of shipping company
  • %TRACKING_URL% = URL for shopper to track their package

5. Select the "Save changes" button