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Using Navigation Buttons and Links

Go to Design > Template > View Edit

Click on the edit link for the template to change

Click on the edit link for the navigation bar to change.

This will bring up the edit page for the navigation bar.

In the middle of the screen there is "Depts/Pages/Links" option where you can pick the pages, departments, links etc that go onto that navigation bar. The left hand side is the list of all available pages and the right hand side is the list of the pages that will be shown in this navigation bar. They are shown in the order that they will be displayed.

Above the 2 boxes is a drop down box above to show either the pages, departments or the links. Choose the appropriate selection. You can choose from pages, departments and links.

To change the order click on the line for the page/department etc that you want to move and then use the up or down arrows to move it up or down in the list.

To add a new page/department find that page/department in the list, click on it then use the > button to add it to the list of selected pages/departments.

To remove a page/department from the navigation click on it and then use the < button to remove a page from the selected box.

Do this as many times as needed until you have the list as you want it to display.

Save your changes when you are done editing by clicking the "save this object" button.

As you make changes you can preview the navigation in the navigation edit area.

Click the Apply Template link to apply the changes to the site.