Online Store Builder & eCommerce Checkout System

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What happens if my payment is overdue?

The store builder will automatically try to charge your payment method on file when payment is due.  Sometimes the payment is not able to be charged because either the credit card is expired, over its limit or the card has been reported stolen.  An email will be sent to the store administrator if we are unable to charge your card for any reason and you will have a week to correct the issue before the store is closed.  Below is a timeline of what will happen at certain points in the overdue process regarding your store.
  • 1 day overdue, store admin area is closed
  • 8 days overdue, store is closed to shoppers
  • 30 days overdue, email is disabled
  • 100 days overdue, entire store is removed
Your store will be immediately reactivated if payment is submitted before the 100th day after it was originally due.